Assessment process

How do I become a Foster Parent?

Naturally, taking care of someone else’s child or young person in your home requires a thorough assessment. This is to ensure that a professional and safe care is given to some of our most vulnerable children and young people.

Enquiry Stage

When you contact us we will ask for some basic details. We then arrange for a team member to visit you and your family at home for an informal meeting.  Following on from the initial visit we will ask you to complete a basic information form.  From there we have the option to progress to Stage 1 of the assessment.

Stage 1

In Stage 1 we will ask you to

  • Provide information for a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS)
  • Provide contact details for references
  • Have a medical with your GP (which we would pay for)
  • Attend an Introduction to Fostering training course.

We will also carry out a home safety check

When we have all the information and documents we will ask the True Fostering Agency Decision Maker (ADM) to review the information and decide if we can proceed to Stage 2.

We will then notify you of the result in writing.

Stage 2

This stage will involve visits to your home from an Assessing Social Worker (ASW) who will go into more depth about the fostering role and your suitability.

The Assessing Social Worker will then produce a Therapeutic Fostering Assessment, which will  be reviewed by the True Fostering Foster Panel. This Panel is made up of independent people who make recommendations about your registration as a Foster Parent. These recommendations are passed to the ADM for final approval of your registration.

Throughout the above process, which can on average take between 4-6 months, True Fostering will guide you and be in constant contact. You will be able to meet other Foster Parents, meet some of our children and will be invited to attend training events.

To find out more feel free to call us today for an informal chat on 03301 333331 or complete the brief enquiry form below and we’ll call you back.

Do you have a spare room?